NDSA News 


In our monthly newsletter, we provide current updates on our programs, organizational developments, and upcoming chances for professional and data science growth at your Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). Furthermore, we provide a platform to showcase institutions that are influencing the field of data science through our feature, Source Code.  Subscribe to NDSA News!  

May 2024 Newsletter 

Upcoming workshops from Northeastern and Southcentral Hubs, previous workshops, Curriculum development workgroups inquiry,  2024 MPS Workshop, and #WeHBSeeU. 

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April 2024 Newsletter 

Upcoming workshop from Southcentral Hub and additional regional workshops, Celebrating Hub lead accomplishments, and SCISS event information. 

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March 2024 Newsletter 

Workshop highlights for Northeastern, Southeastern, and  Southcentral Hubs, RAC Update, Listening Sessions, NDSA Platform,  NSF and HBCU Partners Lunch and Learn opportunities. 

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February 2024 Newsletter 

Workshop highlights for Northeastern, Southeastern, and  Southcentral Hubs, RAC Researcher Application, and HBCU Smart Cities Challenge Showcase. 

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January 2024 Newsletter 

Workshop highlights for Northeastern and Southcentral Hubs, RAC Research Opportunity, NDSA Hub Announcement,  NSF Opportunities, and Elevated Voices Dr. LaTanya Brown-Robertson STEMM Opportunity Alliance.

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December 2023 Newsletter 

Upcoming workshops, RAC Technical Advisor Application, NDSA Hub Announcements, and  NSF Opportunities.

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November 2023 Newsletter 

Curriculum Development Workgroups Launch, Upcoming Workshop, RAC Announcement, NDSA Texas visit, and Intern Introductions.

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