
NDSA Workshops 

The National Data Science Alliance (NDSA) invites HBCU faculty and staff to participate in interactive data science workshops. Topics are chosen to upskill and expand knowledge in various areas of data science, coding, data manipulation, machine learning, AI, analytics, curriculum development, and pedagogy. We offer a variety of workshops that target those from across disciplines. The diverse schedules aim to provide opportunities to engage in data science.  

Please go to your region for available workshops and click the arrow below to view and apply.


Serving HBCUs in  Washington DC, Maryland, Delaware, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia, and the Virgin Islands.  

Unlock the Power of Python in Your Classroom: A Workshop for HBCU Faculty and Staff |  May 20-21, 2024 |  10:00 am-2:00 pm EST Facilitated by Nelson Lemieux, Seven Star Academy Inc. 

Unlock the Power of Python in Your Classroom: A Workshop for HBCU Faculty and Staff

May 20-21, 2024 

10:00 am-2:00 pm EST 

Facilitator: Nelson Lemieux | Seven Star Academy Inc 

Seats: 40 

Join us for an engaging and practical Python workshop tailored specifically for college faculty and staff across all disciplines.


This workshop aims to empower you with the essential Python skills to seamlessly integrate coding lessons and assignments into your courses, enhancing the learning experience for your students.


Designed for beginners and intermediate learners, this immersive workshop will cover:


-Python fundamentals: variables, data types, operators, and control flow

Advanced topics: functions, modules, data structures, and practical applications


By the end of the workshop, you'll gain:


- Confidence and skills to tackle real-world coding challenges using Python

- The ability to infuse Python into your curriculum, enriching your teaching and your students' learning experience


Python is a versatile language that can open doors to endless opportunities. Bring your curiosity and enthusiasm to learn, and let's explore the world of Python together!

Apply Here 

Application Deadline May 16, 2024

Presented by the Northeastern Hub at Howard University. 


Serving HBCUs in  Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, and South Carolina. 

Check back for more upcoming workshops. 


Serving HBCUs in  Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Texas.

Introduction to Tableau |  May 9-10, 2024 |  8:00 am-4:30 CST Facilitated by Felisha White, Spelman College  

This two-day virtual workshop (delivered via Zoom) will cover the fundamentals of using Tableau, Tableau Desktop, and Tableau Public. We will provide a hands-on and interactive introduction to the analytics platform.

Participants will learn:

Data sets will be provided, and participants will create their workbooks and dashboards. After the session, participants will share their data visualizations via Tableau Public. No prior experience is required; however, participants are required to complete pre-workshop prep activities.

Apply Here 

Application Deadline May 6 

Presented by the South Central Hub at Fisk University.